Methods To Put Full Stop For Premature Ejaculation

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November 5, 2012 by treatprematureejaculations

You may be having a lots of problems while lovemaking. While one does lovemaking as a part of relaxation, men often get the problems like fast orgasm that makes them not get the relaxation well. First, one should understand the different levels to ejaculation. That is before ejaculation, penis undergo some changes. First is lengthening. Then, filling of sperm takes place. This gets caused with the erotic feelings coming into the mind. Then, it goes forward with full erection. One can control in this step too. That is, when it comes to full erection, one can slow down the process for how to prevent premature ejaculation. One can stop lovemaking for a while and again continue it. This prolongs the time of reaching orgasm and simultaneously stops premature ejaculation. While slowing down or stopping lovemaking for a while, one can try other methods with the partner for how to prevent premature ejaculation. One can also do conscious breathing for longing the lovemaking. That is, when one breathes rapidly then the prostate gland gets activated faster that makes the orgasm sooner and finally makes premature ejaculation.


That’s why; one can slow down the breath and extend lovemaking and for how to prevent premature ejaculation. Similarly, focusing on one’s breath also takes the thought away from one’s genitals. One can also press on the perineum for how to prevent premature ejaculation. This is a part of the body that is in midway of anus and scrotum. One can press this part when orgasm is nearing. Touching and pressing this part connects to the prostate gland. One can do this for how to prevent premature ejaculation. Therefore, in these ways, one can control the premature ejaculation and lengthen the orgasm period.

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